Let's be honest; as much as people do overseas work to have the experience of working in a different environment, to challenge themselves and to see the world, the main reason why people do FIFO work is for the money.
On assignment with Tradestaff Global, you can earn a lot of money. It is not unusual for a tradesperson with us to earn over NZ$150,000 per year. Tradestaff Group was established in 1996 and we understand that the quickest way to lose a good worker is to pay them incorrectly. International deployment forces you to give up so much - spending time away from families and working long hours in challenging environments; the least we can do is pay you correctly and on time.
We treat the payment of our contractors with the same level of importance as paying our own full time staff’s wages. Getting timesheets back from site when the only form of communication is a satellite phone can be a challenge, but we always make it work and our staff get paid fortnightly like clockwork.
We pay people accurately and on time and have very few issues with incorrect or late payments.